lunes, marzo 29, 2010

La "magia" de Google no se detiene

Ver aquí la entrada en el blog de la compañía

¿De qué se trata esta vez? R/ Más de lo mismo (colocación de anuncios publicitarios - el core del negocio Google) pero realmente diferente...

Extracto introductorio:

"Imagine you own a popular coffee chain in Denver that you want to promote. On Monday afternoon, it’s warm and 80 degrees in the city. You run a display ad campaign online that offers Denverites a discount coupon [JTBD 1 - el estímulo] for an iced cold latte, with a searchable map embedded in the ad to show local branches [JTBD 2 - las señas para la transacción], and a real-time feed from people who have tweeted publicly about your newest flavor [JTBD 3 - el "voz a voz"]. That evening, a cold front rolls over the Rockies. Your ad automatically and dynamically adjusts [JTBD 4 - la contextualización] to present a photo of a hot, steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of a warm fireplace, together with a home delivery number and an offer of free marshmallows...

What if it were seamless to serve and run highly creative ad units — not just on one site, but on thousands of sites, and also in videos and on mobile phones? [JTBD 5 - la cobertura] What if it were simpler to incorporate social features in the ad creative itself — such as letting people endorse and spread particular ads or campaigns to their friends? [JTBD 3 - el "voz a voz"] What if you could serve video ads that included simple tools in the ad creative itself that allowed users to easily make their own mashups of your ad, and post and share them with friends? [JTBD 3 - el "voz a voz"]

And what if you could make a few different creative elements for an ad, and then have them dynamically chosen, depending on factors like where the ad’s shown, product availability, time of day and any other variable you choose — just like the coffee ad I mentioned at the start? [JTBD 4 - la contextualización + la personalización] That way, agencies and advertisers would be able to spend their time building out their creative concepts and ads, and technology can multiply the impact by running it on thousands of sites with millions of variations for every website and user.

Technology is evolving rapidly and will help facilitate all of this in the months and years ahead. What about imagining what might be possible on your phone in a few years? Let’s say you're walking down the street, using an augmented reality app on your mobile phone to see what's interesting around you. In your viewfinder, you see a billboard for a great product — basketball shoes. Using image recognition, the app could recognize that it's a billboard for a particular shoe brand, show an expandable ad for that brand, let you choose to watch a video of one of their shoes in action, display all the nearest stores on an accompanying map, and include a way for you to order a shoe and pick it up on your way home from work."

¿Para quién todos estos Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD)?

Por supuesto para el anunciante, que desea llegar con el mensaje de su producto a su audiencia, con la máxima efectividad; y los medios tradicionales, como se puede apreciar, en el mejor de los casos serán tributarios del medio Web...

La única duda que nos queda es en relación al terminal móvil: ¿Cómo se logrará que cambie el hábito de la gente, de esperar pasivamente el mensaje, a buscarlo activamente? Porque de otra forma toda esta tecnología quedaría al servicio de una publicidad intrusiva extrema, lo cual sería no un paso atrás sino un literal borrar todo el avance logrado :-)

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