martes, octubre 23, 2012

Halloween (another) big business

Aquí el reportaje original: Consumers can't keep paws off pet Halloween costumes, expected to spend $370 million

By Stacy Jones/The Star-Ledger
on October 23, 2012 at 6:00 AM, updated October 23, 2012 at 6:08 AM

Extracto inicial:

"The amount of money shoppers spend on Halloween costumes for pets has been a treat for retailers and it keeps getting sweeter.

Consumers will spend an estimated $370 million dressing their dogs and cats for ghoulish festivities this year, according to the National Retail Federation."

Extracto anécdota:

"Kathy Garland of Morris Township said she’s been buying costumes for Harry, her three-year-old English cocker spaniel, since he was just three months old.

“The first year he was Harry Potter the boy wizard. For that he had a hat, cape and the glasses, which didn’t really stay on too well,” she said. “Last year he was a New York City firefighter and for that he had a costume with a cape, hat and a fake axe.”

This year Garland spent $40 ordering a dog-sized New England Patriots sweater online and picking up a miniature football to attach to his collar.

“My husband’s a fan,” she said."


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