miércoles, agosto 10, 2011

Desde el Ludwig von Mises Institute: End This Agony

Aquí la entrada completa, escrita por Robert P. Murphy

Extracto introductorio:

"How can anyone in his right mind think that our economic sluggishness is due to insufficient deficits and a timid Fed? Plenty do. It is a case of denial of an obvious fact: the entire Keynesian/government approach to stimulus has been a catastrophic failure.

In the wake of the stock-market plunge and S&P downgrade, economic pundits of all stripes are rushing to explain events. But as so often happens in economics, "believing is seeing." Keynesians, monetarists, and Austrians can all look at the slow-motion train wreck and feel vindicated by the data.

Naturally, I agree with Jeffrey Tucker that of the major schools of economic thought, the Austrians have been the best guides through the crisis. But the champion Keynesian, Paul Krugman, has been running victory laps for a long time now, claiming that he has been right while the free-market folks have been dead wrong. His column late last week beautifully illustrates that the facts can always be molded to fit a preconceived narrative."

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