miércoles, mayo 18, 2011

Retro-innovación: para atacar la enfermedad, simplemente coma bien :-)

Aquí la entrada en la Wikipedia sobre Barry Sears, autor de The Zone: A Dietary Road Map to Lose Weight Permanently: Reset Your Genetic Code: Prevent Disease: Achieve Maximum Performance, libro de 1995; el primero de hasta ahora 12 libros publicados sobre el tema; el último, del 2008: Toxic Fats: When Good Fat Turns Bad

Aquí su sitio en la Web

Resta preguntarse: ¿Por qué no sabemos 'naturalmente' qué comer y qué no comer en vistas a nuestra propia buena salud? o ¿Por qué aun sabiéndolo, no lo haríamos -como en efecto ocurre todo el tiempo-?

" Welcome to DrSears.com

Thank you for visiting DrSears.com. Medicine is not as complicated as we think, and likewise nutrition is not as simple as we are led to believe. My goal at DrSears.com is to help make you think about both medicine and nutrition from a new perspective. That new perspective is based upon understanding the molecular basis of inflammation at the cellular level. It’s about how inflammation is the underlying cause of chronic disease, and how our diet can either reduce inflammation or increase it.

In the final analysis, it’s all about your genes, especially how an anti-inflammatory diet can silence inflammatory genes. Your ability to control cellular inflammation becomes the molecular definition of wellness. This is why I hope you will use DrSears.com as your destination site to get the latest breaking information on anti-inflammatory medicine and its impact on 21st-century health care."

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