lunes, septiembre 13, 2010

An innovator: Marc Benioff

Aquí su bio en la wikipedia

El fundador y CEO de Salesforce, o sea el inventor del Software-As-A-Service, o sea el primero que probó que el modelo de negocio que había hecho grandes a Microsoft y Oracle, entre muchas otras compañías, estaba llamado a recoger, terminado, ¡DISRUPTADO!

Extracto introductorio desde la wikipedia:

"Benioff started in March 1999 in a rented San Francisco apartment [1] and defined its mission as The End of Software. He is “credited with turning the software industry on its head” by using the Internet to “revamp the way software programs are designed and distributed.” [2][3] He has long evangelized software-as-a-service as the model that would replace traditional enterprise software. He is the creator of the term “platform-as-a-service” and has extended’s reach by allowing customers to build their own applications on the company’s architecture, or in the “cloud”.[4] He’s known for his willingness to take on very large competitors, frequently making outspoken remarks such as: "Part of our mission is to end Microsoft." [5][6] He is the author of three books, including the national best seller Behind the Cloud"

Y este el desempeño de la compañía; obsérvese en particular desde que comenzó la (última) crisis :-)

Aquí explicando su visión:

Y aquí entrevistado por Om Malik

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