Aquí el texto completo desde TelecomTV, by I. D. Scales.
Extracto clave 1:
"Is Google aiming to launch a FibreDroid?
Just what is Google doing building out a fibre network across the Kansas Cities? If companies were people then Google is an adolescent software wizard not a gnarly old telco guy. It just doesn't fit - unless there's a cunning plan? By I. D. Scales.
Perhaps Google is bored with the ephemerality of the search business and yearns instead to undertake some manly trench digging and fibre-stringing and that's why it went to Kansas City to build its own network? Perhaps.
But the consensus view within the industry is that the search giant is looking to cock a snook at the incumbent network operators who tend to claim that regulation - including net neutrality - makes it uneconomic for then to invest in fibre access.
The incumbent telcos tend to argue that they must be free of regulation to give them enough commercial control over the access network to derive a reasonable return. This is hotly contested by Google and others who claim abundant bandwidth and an open Internet will drive huge value for users and they'll be prepared to pay a reasonable amount to get it.
So Google has set out with its Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City Missouri (they are twin cities) builds to show that a viable, fibre-based broadband access network offering gigabit plus connections can be built and deployed profitably - if you do it right and attach the 'correct' business model (see NEWS TIMELINE below).
And of course Google can afford to splash the cash in the interests of advancing its world view. It's a sort of "put your money where your mouth is" exercise."
Extracto clave 2:
"Is there more to it than this? Well, I think Google does have an obvious option in reserve should the build prove to be a stonking success (so far it looks promising but there's a way to go). And for want of a better term I'm calling it FiberDroid.
I think Google may well be looking to do an 'Android' and license its fibre network concept and the services it has attached to it to enable other companies to deploy similar networks and services (including Google services as a default) in other cities both in the US and globally.
Think of Android as the open mobile 'platform' and FibreDroid as its fixed network 'platform' equivalent. Of course Google doesn't want to do hundreds of network builds itself (just as it didn't want to build its own handsets) but it doesn't have to."
¡Guau! :-)
Coincido al 100% con las dos especulaciones de este inteligente (sin duda, y lo digo en serio) columnista de TelecomTV
Y añado,
1. Google (sus fundadores, su administración, el talento que ha atraído) ha probado una y otra vez durante más de una década ser capaz de situarse, y desde ahí proyectarse, en la punta-punta del esfuerzo innovador de su "industria".
2. A su comprensión de la "industria" (y consecuente posterior actuación) se le debe "sumar" (puesto que a Google le suma) la lentitud (por decirlo de alguna manera) de pensamiento y acción, que los tele-incumbentes han mostrado también durante más de una década, para adaptarse a los cambios que la tecnología ha propiciado.
3. Tal vez (tal vez) Google sea una de esas compañías de nuevo cuño, que no resienten lo que JA Schumpeter llamaba la destrucción-creativa, que así mismo ES creación-destructiva, como acertadamente lo señala su biografo (ver entradas anteriores en este mismo blog), y por el contrario se hacen a sí mismas más fuertes adoptando esta
May be. Ojalá (que significa Dios quiera :-)
martes, octubre 16, 2012
Google "FibreDroid"?
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a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Internet, Mercadeo, Telecomunicaciones
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