Aquí el texto completo en Inc.
Jim Collins es el investigador excelso que nos reveló en Good to great el misterio del liderazgo. Sus hallazgos pusieron en evidencia que la innovación, el cambio, la conducción del cambio y la determinación para la conducción del cambio (por parte del verdadero líder) eran si no sinónimos, si categorías en íntima relación en la explicación del éxito de los negocios, del gran éxito, de los grandes negocios
Ahora se vive en tiempos de recesión (nos dicen); tiempos de poca esperanza. Al contrario dirá Jim Collins, en la profundidad de las crisis es cuando surge el valor, el valor económico que da al traste con toda crisis económica (y al contrario, digo, yo, en medio de la opulencia se olvidan las organizaciones de que el valor no surge de la nada, que vino de las restricciones que impone la escasez precisamente)
Extracto 1, sobre emprendimiento:
"Up to about 1980 or so, we tended to view entrepreneurship as sort of a weird black art. There were these crazy, creative people who weren't like normal people. They didn't work for other people. They went off and started their own things. But beginning in the 1980s, there was a huge shift, and I think Inc. had a lot to do with it. We began to get the idea that entrepreneurship is a systematic, replicable process. Along with that recognition came a variety of mechanisms -- capital mechanisms, education mechanisms, media mechanisms, and so on. We realized that being an entrepreneur is a choice. It's not about temperament or personality. It's about action..."
Extracto 2, sobre la generación de relevo:
"What's the source of your optimism?
A lot of it has to do with the young generation. A general at West Point told me, "This is the most inspired and inspiring generation to come through West Point since 1945." I see the same thing with the young people who come to work for me. They have a sense of responsibility and service and a lack of cynicism that is remarkable and wonderful. It's an ethos, and it's collective. That's what's really powerful. It's connected technologically. It's not grandiose, but there is a fundamental assumption of being part of a much larger world and a much larger set of aspirations. The world can be a really awful, brutal, turbulent place. And yet I'm hopeful precisely because of this generation of kids. I really think we ought to just give them the keys as soon as we can. Let them run it..."
martes, abril 21, 2009
Jim Collins interview
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7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
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