C.K. Prahalad ha vuelto a escribir (antes, el best seller - de negocios -, todos recordarán, Negocios en la base de la pirámide). Information Week comenta el nuevo libro: The New Age Of Innovation
Los extractos a continuación todos del comentario de Rob Preston en Information Week
¿Qué novedades traería ése futuro?
"...leading businesses will innovate in two overarching ways: by "co-creating" value with their customers, treating each one as an individual; and by regularly tapping resources from specialized third parties worldwide rather than trying to do most things themselves, the culmination of the truly global and integrated supply chain."
¿De qué manera se entiende lo anterior?
"Prahalad and Krishnan offer some striking examples of new age innovation already in progress. Tire maker Bridgestone is experimenting in Europe with charging trucking fleet owners per mile of tire usage rather than up-front fees. Pricing contracts are based on such factors as truck loads, vehicle maintenance, routes traveled, and driver training levels. Variables such as tire pressure and truck speed can be monitored via censors and reported to the Bridgestone data center. As such, Bridgestone is moving from a transactional relationship with its customers to a tailored service relationship with each one. The data it gathers is shared with fleet owners to improve their operations and customer engagement..."
¡GUAU! Y véase este otro ejemplo:
"...ICICI Prudential, which has introduced a life insurance product in India priced according to customers' compliance with a personalized health program. In applying that model to diabetics, ICICI regularly tests blood-sugar levels and other vital statistics, ultimately in near real time via remote diagnostics. ICICI has assembled a network of medical providers, pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic and testing firms, even fitness clubs to keep customers on track. It adjusts insurance rates, say, every two weeks, as a customer's compliance with the program varies..."
¡Impresionante! (y VALIOSO), lo que el despliegue del hacer de los empresarios nos puede ofrecer cuando se adopta la cultura de la innovación como la guía máxima, de dicho hacer precisamente
viernes, abril 04, 2008
The innovation future
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11:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
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