...probarían que en todas partes se cuecen!
Nicholas Carr comenta sobre la punta del iceberg del escándalo en ciernes. Para quienes están en el negocio de la consultoría de TICs el término Vendor Independent es el lema ¿¡Cómo podría ser de otra forma!? Mientras que los vendedores de hardware y software están en todo su derecho de promover sus marcas, el consultor, el asesor sólo debería promover la suya: entregando advice & consulting que sólo favorezca los intereses del cliente
Del blog de Nicholas Carr:
"More details are emerging about the U.S. government's charge that IT vendors engaged in a sweeping kickback scheme aimed at influencing the provision of lucrative government contracts. The Department of Justice filed lawsuits last week alleging that Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems had secretly paid millions of dollars to other vendors that sold their gear to government agencies and that Accenture had accepted millions of dollars of such kickbacks..."
Nicholas Carr citando un reporte de Information Week:
"...While Sun and HP allegedly paid millions of dollars each year in kickbacks, Accenture allegedly accepted them in the form of "system integrator compensation," rebates, and marketing assistance fees. The company earned all three from Sun and HP, according to the complaint. As a consultant for the government, Accenture was hired as an objective adviser in choosing vendors and purchasing IT equipment, software, and services. The government, however, says Accenture and its purchasing subsidiary, Proquire, were less concerned with their client, and more interested in profits and revenue from partners. "As a result, millions of dollars of kickbacks were sought, received, offered, and paid between and among the defendants with the alliances in violation of the False Claims Act and other federal statutes and regulations," the complaint said..."
Definitivamente a la hora de escoger quien administra el poder, más allá de los conocimientos, las habilidades, la actitud, lo que más tendría que importar es la ética. Jim Collins (The 10 Greatest CEOs of All Time) lo ilustró magistralmente en este breve escrito en dónde recuerda el genio y figura de algunos de esos grandes gerentes que pareciera cada vez son más escasos
miércoles, abril 25, 2007
¡Las habas de la metrópolis...
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9:37 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Internet, Mercadeo, Telecomunicaciones
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