Aquí, en abril 30 de 2012, hicimos la misma pregunta, con otra otrora gran compañía: ¿Qué le pasó a Nokia?
Inevitablemente, el comentario es el mismo también:
1. El desplazamiento del centro de gravedad del crecimiento del negocio celular a India-Asia, y a Smart-landia: otros clientes, otros competidores. Sin duda de esto se trata.
2. Siguiente pregunta: ¿No lo previeron? ¡Imposible que no!
3. Siguiente pregunta: ¿No podían hacer mucho? Mmmmmmmm. Ciertamente Samsung y los fabricantes en China no iban a permitir una entrada fácil de RIM en sus territorios. Los operadores locales tenían también todos los incentivos para alinearse con los fabricantes locales.
4. En el otro extremo del mundo (del negocio se entiende), Steve Jobs y Apple deciden entrar y quedarse con todo; redefinen el terminal móvil de "gama alta" en la dimensión insospechada hasta esos momentos por todo fabricante.
5. RIM queda atrapada por una tenaza que aprieta sin compasión. Los consumidores damos la bienvenida a ambos recién llegados. Nada tenemos que reprochar a RIM, ha sido un excelente fabricante hasta ese momento, pero pareciera que ya nunca más será una opción válida.
Entonces, ¿qué le pasó a RIM? Lo mismo que a RCA y a Kodak: no supieron ni tuvieron suficiente voluntad de reinventar sus negocios; apostaron porque aún tenían tiempo para pensarlo, y no lo tenían. Que de aquí nadie saque conclusiones sobre cómo manejar bien un negocio: la única, tal vez, que está entre los oficios de mayor riesgo hoy en día :-)"
Aquí, reporte de la debacle desde Telecom TV: Dead man talking? RIM's death spiral accelerates
Extracto introductorio:
"Blackberry-maker RIM's Q2 results look like the final bleeps on the heart monitor. Revenue has dropped by nearly a half from last year, losses continue and 5,000 more job cuts are on the way.
Perhaps worst of all, RIM just can't seem to pull together its potential saviour - its new operating system BlackBerry 10 (BB 10). That already overdue offering will not now appear until early next year. The company cites problems it's experiencing in integrating new features..."
viernes, junio 29, 2012
¿Qué le pasó a R.I.M. (Research In Motion - "Blackberry")?
Publicadas por
a las
11:53 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Internet, Mercadeo, Telecomunicaciones
jueves, junio 28, 2012
Este libro es lo más a l u c i n a n t e que haya leído...
...¿Cómo puede alguién llegar a imaginar algo así (una y otra vez)?
Y estas, algunas imágenes al azar (Google images) que inspiró a otros su lectura:
Publicadas por
a las
10:38 a. m.
miércoles, junio 27, 2012
Google Nexus tablet
Aquí la entrada desde Telecom TV News
Aquí la entrada desde el blog oficial de Google
Extracto introductorio:
"Nexus 7: powerful, portable and designed for Google Play
All of this great Google Play content comes to life on Nexus 7, a powerful new tablet with a vibrant, 7” 1280x800 HD display. The Tegra-3 chipset, with a quad-core CPU and 12-core GPU, makes everything, including games, extremely fast. And best of all, it’s only 340 grams, lighter than most tablets out there. Nexus 7 was built to bring you the best of Google in the palm of your hand. Hang out with up to 10 friends on Google+ using the front-facing camera, browse the web blazingly fast with Chrome and, of course, crank through your emails with Gmail."
Más rápido
Más liviano
Más ...
¡Y nunca había visto a unos ingenieros vendiendo tan bien su creación :-)! (video a continuación)
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Internet, Telecomunicaciones
martes, junio 26, 2012
(una más de) ESTRATEGIA
1. Disposición (a llegar al futuro)
2. Anticipación (previsión-imaginación-visualización; de cómo viene aquél)
3. Preparación (capacitación, adquisición de capacitados, organización de éstos)
4. Actuación (fortaleza, templanza, prudencia y justicia :-)
5. Humildad (para seguir plantándole cara al futuro, igual si se perdió esta vez, igual si se ganó esta vez)
Publicadas por
a las
10:45 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
lunes, junio 25, 2012
Evidencias del poder de las fuerzas competitivas, en Colombia, que nos dejan pasmados (II)
Aquí, Armando Montenegro hará cosa de un mes nos ofreció un primer lamparazo sobre el tema.
Aquí, en su columna en El Espectador de ayer 24 de junio, llega el segundo.
Aquí el documento citado en la columna.
Publicadas por
a las
8:55 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
J.A. Schumpeter (desde su biografía - 3)
Prophet of innovation. Thomas K. McCraw.
“Overall, industry-specific innovation “does not follow, but creates expansion.” None of this, Schumpeter adds, can be explained in the usual economist’s terms of equilibrium. Instead, innovation requires continuous disequilibrium –led by entrepreneurs obsessed with what they are doing. Innovation itself is primarily “a feat not of intellect”, but of will… a special case of the social phenomenon of leadership.” The barriers to innovation consist of “the resistances and uncertainties incident to doing what has not been done before.” These difficulties are often immense, and to surmount them “is the function characteristic of the entrepreneur.”
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
viernes, junio 22, 2012
J.A. Schumpeter (desde su biografía - 2)
Prophet of innovation. Thomas K. McCraw.
"This is very hard to do, Schumpeter concedes. Most successful people, especially once they become wealthy, do no want to continue obsessing over economic growth. They come to abhor the relentless demands of continuous innovation. They want to enjoy themselves and live a better-rounded life. For these reasons, great enterprises typically outgrow the abilities of founding families to sustain a position at the top of their industries. “Mere husbanding of already existing resources, no matter how painstaking, is always characteristic of a declining position.”
Under truly modern forms of capitalism, the task of maintaining a prime position becomes even more difficult. “Industrial leaders must shoulder an often unreasonable burden of current work, which takes up the greater part of each day.” Entrepreneurs need “extraordinary physical and nervous energy.” The best of them can sustain their efforts on a high level only if they have “that special kind of ‘vision’… concentration on business to the exclusion of other interests, cool and hard-headed shrewdness- traits by no means irreconcilable with passion.” And entrepreneurs working in very large corporations must have even more talents. They must know how to “woo support” among their colleagues, “handle men with consummate skill,” and give others ample credit for the organization’s achievements.”
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
jueves, junio 21, 2012
J.A. Schumpeter (desde su biografía - 1)
Prophet of innovation. Thomas K. McCraw.
“One might think that the sound practices of saving, living frugally, and maintaining the company on a solid foundation would suffice. But Schumpeter argues that any company following these routines –however admirable they seem at first glance- will soon be overtaken by aggressive, risk-taking, competitive entrepreneurs. He is very emphatic on this point: “The introduction of new production methods, the opening up of new markets –indeed, the successful carrying through of new business combinations in general- all these imply risk, trial and error, the overcoming of resistance, factors lacking in the treadmill of routine.” He concludes by saying, “As to the question why this is so, it is answered by the theory of entrepreneurial profit.” Newcomers to the industry will bring fresh ideas, earn much higher profits, and drive incumbents out of business –through the simple device of fixing on economic growth as their sole objective.”
Publicadas por
a las
3:02 p. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
miércoles, junio 20, 2012
T.I.M.E. de música - Roberto Roena (¡Qué grande!)
"...pero al estudiar la situación..." :-)
Sentémonos a pensar,
la vida de continuar
fingiendo amor donde no hay
y fingiendo una sinceridad.
Es cierto se debe admitir
el mundo esta lleno de maldad
pero al estudiar la situación
entraremos en razón.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Hay que vivir el momento,
que nos importa el pasado.
no ves que al pasar el tiempo
todito queda olvidado, olvidado es.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Pero recuerdo que dijiste que me querías
que nunca me olvidarías
y ahora vivo convencido
que eso eran mentiras tuyas, mentiras tuyas son.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Y cuando nadie escuche
mis canciones ya viejas
detendré en mi camino en el pueblo de Hatillo
y allí moriré y entonces.
Cuando descanses te hablare
de un algo extraño
y vida mía te diré mi desengaño.
Publicadas por
a las
12:04 p. m.
Etiquetas: Música
martes, junio 19, 2012
T.I.M.E. de poesía (y de verificación del nivel de logro de un particular progreso técnico)
Aquí el poema, escrito en inglés por el poeta, W.H. Auden
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone
W. H. Auden
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Aquí la traducción al español provista por (la "máquina") Google :-/
Detener todos los relojes, corte el teléfono,
Evitar que el perro ladre con un hueso jugoso,
Callen los pianos y con redobles en sordina
Llevar a cabo el ataúd, que los dolientes venir.
Que los aeroplanos que gimiendo sobrecarga
Escriban en el cielo el mensaje de que está muerto,
Arcos Poner crepe en los cuellos blancos de las palomas,
Que los policias se pongan guantes negros.
Él era mi norte, mi Sur, mi Este y el Oeste,
Mi semana de trabajo y mi descanso dominical,
Mi mediodía, mi medianoche, mi charla, mi canción;
Pensé que el amor duraría para siempre: me equivoqué.
Las estrellas no son deseadas ahora: poner a cada uno;
Empaquen la luna y desmantelen el sol;
Que sequen el océano y barran los bosques.
Porque ya nada puede llegar a nada bueno.
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Filosofía y técnica, Poesía
viernes, junio 15, 2012
Just a little bit of anatomy :-)
Diane Kelly: What we didn’t know about penis anatomy
"We’re not done with anatomy. We know a tremendous amount about genomics, proteomics and cell biology, but as Diane Kelly makes clear at TEDMED, there are basic facts about the human body we’re still learning. Case in point: How does the mammalian erection work?
Diane Kelly studies vertebrate anatomy, in particular the connection between the design and the function of reproductive organs."
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
jueves, junio 14, 2012
Desde el Ludwig von Mises Institute: a propósito de los convulsionados días de este "verano" 2012
Aquí: The Danger of External Debts
Extracto introductorio:
"Economists and journalists often point to the danger of external public debts — in contrast to internal debts, which are regarded as less troublesome. Japan is a case in point. Japan has an enormous public-debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 200 percent. It is argued that the high ratio is not a problem, because the Japanese save a lot and government bonds are held mostly by Japanese citizens; it is internal debt.
In contrast, Spain with a much lower public-debt-to-GDP ratio (expected to be at 80 percent at the end of this year) is regarded as more unstable by many investors. One reason given for the Spanish fragility is that about half of Spanish government bonds are held by foreigners."
Aquí: Profits
Extracto introductorio:
"Although every businessman aims to earn a "profit," he usually knows very little about the economic nature of his objective. He may even succeed in earning a profit, and yet be unable to explain this excess of proceeds that accrues to him after all expenses are paid.
The same can be said about tax collectors who search for "profits" and aim to seize parts thereof for the state. And the accountants who reveal the "profits" by comparing the business revenue with the expenses. They all look at the totality of net income without any distinction of its various component parts.
The economist who analyzes the economic nature of "profits" actually perceives three entirely different sources of income."
Aquí: The Fiasco of Fiat Money
Extracto introductorio:
"Today's worldwide paper-, or "fiat-," money regime is an economically and socially destructive scheme — with far-reaching and seriously harmful economic and societal consequences, effects that extend beyond what most people would imagine.
Fiat money is inflationary; it benefits a few at the expense of many others; it causes boom-and-bust cycles; it leads to overindebtedness; it corrupts society's morals; and it will ultimately end in a depression on a grand scale.
All these insights, however, which have been put forward by the scholars of the Austrian School of economics years ago, hardly play any role among the efforts of mainstream economists, central banks, politicians, or bureaucrats in identifying the root cause of the current financial and economic crisis and, against this backdrop, formulating proper remedies.
This should not come as a surprise, though. For the (intentional or unintentional) purpose of policy makers and their influential "experts" — who serve as opinion molders — is to keep the fiat-money regime going, whatever it takes."
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
miércoles, junio 13, 2012
T.I.M.E. de cine
Aquí en la imdb
The people vs. Larry Flint; Milos Forman, 1996
1. Como en toda buena película, una historia de amor :-)
2. En la cual se entrelazan el espíritu de las leyes y la brutalidad de "la ley por propia mano"
3. Que tiene como héroes a un particular "trío": al emprendedor, al abogado, a la mujer que amó, y fue amada por, el primero, víctima al final, en esta historia made in USA-siglo XX
El abogado:
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Cine
martes, junio 12, 2012
La carátula de The Economist, 8 de junio de 2012
Y aquí el alarmante texto :-/
Extracto COMPLETO:
"“TO THE lifeboats!” That is the stark message bond markets are sending about the global economy. Investors are rushing to buy sovereign bonds in America, Germany and a dwindling number of other “safe” economies. When people are prepared to pay the German government for the privilege of holding its two-year paper, and are willing to lend America’s government funds for a decade for a nominal yield of less than 1.5%, they either expect years of stagnation and deflation or are terrified of imminent disaster. Whichever it is, something is very wrong with the world economy.
That something is a combination of faltering growth and a rising risk of financial catastrophe. Economies are weakening across the globe. The recessions in the euro zone’s periphery are deepening. Three consecutive months of feeble jobs figures suggest America’s recovery may be in trouble (see article). And the biggest emerging markets seem to have hit a wall. Brazil’s GDP is growing more slowly than Japan’s. India is a mess (see article). Even China’s slowdown is intensifying. A global recovery that falters so soon after the previous recession points towards widespread Japan-style stagnation.
But that looks like a good outcome when set beside the growing danger of a fracturing of the euro. The European Union, the world’s biggest economic area, could plunge into a spiral of bank busts, defaults and depression—a financial calamity to dwarf the mayhem unleashed by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The possibility of a Greek exit from the euro after its election on June 17th, the deterioration of Spain’s banking sector and the rapid disintegration of Europe’s cross-border capital flows have all increased this danger (see article). And this time it will be harder to counter. In 2008 central bankers and politicians worked together to prevent a depression. Today the politicians are all squabbling. And even though the technocrats at the central banks could (and should) do more, they have less ammunition at their disposal.
Made in Athens, made worse in Berlin
Nobody wants to test these various disaster scenarios. It is now up to Europe’s politicians to deal finally and firmly with the euro. If they come up with a credible solution, it does not guarantee a smooth ride for the world economy; but not coming up with a solution guarantees an economic tragedy. To an astonishing degree, the fate of the world economy depends on Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel (see article).
In one way it seems unfair to pick on Mrs Merkel. Politicians everywhere are failing to act—from Delhi, where reform has stalled, to Washington, where partisan paralysis threatens a lethal combination of tax increases and spending cuts at the end of the year. Within Europe, as Germans never cease to point out, investors are not worried about Mrs Merkel’s prudent government, whose predecessor restructured the economy painfully ten years ago; the problem is a loss of confidence in less well-run, unreformed countries.
But do not get too sympathetic. To begin with, past virtue counts for little at the moment: if the euro collapses, then Germany will suffer hugely. The downgrading of some of its banks this week was a portent of that. Moreover, the undoubted mistakes in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain and the other debtor countries have been compounded over the past three years by errors in Europe’s creditor countries. The overwhelming focus on austerity; the succession of half-baked rescue plans; the refusal to lay out a clear path for the fiscal and banking integration that is needed for the single currency to survive: these too are reasons why the euro is so close to catastrophe. And since Germany has largely determined this response, most of the blame belongs in Berlin.
Be bold, bitte
Outside Germany, a consensus has developed on what Mrs Merkel must do to preserve the single currency. It includes shifting from austerity to a far greater focus on economic growth; complementing the single currency with a banking union (with euro-wide deposit insurance, bank oversight and joint means for the recapitalisation or resolution of failing banks); and embracing a limited form of debt mutualisation to create a joint safe asset and allow peripheral economies the room gradually to reduce their debt burdens. This is the refrain from Washington, Beijing, London and indeed most of the capitals of the euro zone. Why hasn’t the continent’s canniest politician sprung into action?
Her critics cite timidity—and they are right on one count. Mrs Merkel has still never really explained to the German people that they face a choice between a repugnant idea (bailing out their undeserving peers) and a ruinous reality (the end of the euro). One reason why so many Germans oppose debt mutualisation is because they (wrongly) imagine the euro could survive without it. Yet Mrs Merkel also has a braver twin-headed strategy. She believes, first, that her demands for austerity and her refusal to bail out her peers are the only ways to bring reform in Europe; and, second, that if disaster really strikes, Germany could act quickly to save the day.
The first gamble can certainly claim some successes, notably the removal of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy and the passage, across southern Europe, of reforms that would recently have seemed unthinkable. But the costs of this strategy are rising fast. The recessions spawned by excessive austerity are rendering it self-defeating. Across much of Europe debt burdens are rising, along with the appeal of political extremes. The uncertainty caused by the muddle-through approach is draining investors’ confidence and increasing the risk of a euro disaster.
As for Germany’s idea that it could all be saved at the last minute, by, for instance, the European Central Bank (ECB) flooding a country with liquidity, that looks risky. Were Spain to see a full-scale bank run, even an emboldened Mrs Merkel might not be able to stop it. If Greece falls out, yes, the German public would be more convinced that sinners would be punished; but, as this newspaper has argued before, a “Grexit” would cause carnage in Greece and contagion around Europe. Throughout this crisis, Mrs Merkel has refused to come up with a plan bold enough to stun the markets into submission, in the same way that America’s TARP programme did.
In short, even if her strategy has paid some dividends, its cost has been ruinous and it has run its course. She needs to lay out a clear plan for the single currency, at the latest by the European summit on June 28th, earlier if Greece’s election spreads panic. It must be specific enough to dispel all doubt about Germany’s commitment to saving the euro. And it must include immediate downpayments on deeper integration, such as a pledge to use joint funds to recapitalise Spanish banks.
This would risk losing her support at home. Yet with these risks comes the possibility of rapid reward. Once Germany’s commitment to greater integration is clear, the ECB would have the room to act more robustly—both to buy many more sovereign bonds and to provide a bigger backstop for banks. With the fear of calamity diminished, a vicious cycle would become virtuous as investors’ confidence recovered.
The world economy would still have to grapple with ineptitude elsewhere and with weak growth. But it would have taken a giant step back from disaster. Mrs Merkel, it’s up to you."
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
viernes, junio 08, 2012
J.A. Schumpeter (again :-)
Tomado del prefacio a la tercera edición en inglés (abril de 1949) de Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
" has been pointed out that the principle of political democracy -the principle that governments should emerge from competitive struggles for votes- does, to some extent, guarantee freedom of speech and freedom of the Press, but that, for the rest, democracy has nothing to do with “freedoms.” In particular, as regards the “freedoms” with which the economist is concerned, the freedom of investment, the freedom of consumers’ choice, and the freedom of occupational choice, we have now interesting experimental material before us that goes to show that these “freedoms” may be restricted quite as much as, and in some respects more that, socialist governments are likely to require under normal conditions.”
J.A. Schumpeter
Publicadas por
a las
8:51 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
jueves, junio 07, 2012
T.I.M.E. de fotos: desde la NASA :-)
Publicadas por
a las
9:22 a. m.
Etiquetas: Poesía
miércoles, junio 06, 2012
J.A. Schumpeter (muy a propósito de estos convulsionados tiempos)
Tomado del Preface to the Second Edition en Capitalism Socialism and Democracy; los subrayados son míos.
"I thought I had taken every care to make it quite clear that this is not a political book and that I did not wish to advocate anything. Nevertheless, to my amusement, the intention has been imputed to me -and more than once though not, so far as I know, in print- of "advocating foreign collectivism". I mention this fact not for this own sake but in order to notice another objection that lurks behind this one. If I was not advocating collectivism, foreign or domestic, or indeed anything else, why then did I write at all? It is not entirely futile to elaborate inferences from observed facts without arriving at practical recommendations? I was greatly interested whenever I met with this objection -it is much a nice symptom of an attitude that accounts for much in modern life. We always plan too much and always think too little. We resent a call to thinking and hate unfamiliar argument that does not tally with what we already believe or would like to believe. We walk into our future as we walked into the war, blindfolded. Now this is precisely where I wanted to serve the reader. I did want to make him think. And in order to do so it was essential not to divert his attention by discussions about what from any given standpoint "should be done about it" which would have monopolized his interest. Analysis has a distinct task and to this task I wished to keep though I was fully aware of the fact that this resolve would cost me a great deal of the response a few pages of practical conclusions would have evoked.
This, finally, leads to the charge of “defeatism.” I deny entirely that this term is applicable to a piece of analysis. Defeatism denotes a certain psychic state that has meaning only in reference to action. Facts in themselves and inferences from them can never be defeatist or the opposite whatever that might be. The report that a given ship is sinking is not defeatist. Only the spirit in which this report is received can be defeatist: The crew can sit down and drink. But it can also rush to the pumps. If the men merely deny the report though it be carefully substantiated, then they are escapists. Morever, even if my statements of tendencies amounted more definitely to prediction than they were intended to do, they would still not carry defeatist suggestions. What normal man will refuse to defend his life merely because he is quite convinced that sooner or later he will have to die anyhow? This applies to both the groups from which the charge has come: sponsors of private-enterprise society and sponsors of democratic socialism. Both of them stand to gain if they see more clearly that they usually do the nature of the social situation in which it is their fate to act.
Frank presentation of ominous facts was never more necessary than it is today because we seem to have developed escapism into a system of thought. This is my motive as it is my apology for writing the new chapter. The facts and inferences there presented are certainly not pleasant or comfortable. But they are not defeatist. Defeatist is he who, while giving lip service to Christianity and all the other values of our civilization, yet refuses to rise in their defense –no matter whether he accepts their defeat as a foregone conclusion or deludes himself with futile hopes against hope. For this is one of those situations in which optimism is nothing but a form of defection."
Joseph A. Schumpeter
Taconic, Connecticut
July 1946
Publicadas por
a las
9:40 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Filosofía y técnica
martes, junio 05, 2012
Desde la biografía de J.A. Schumpeter
Tomado del "Álbum" incluído al final en Diez grandes economistas: de Marx a Keynes, de Alianza Ed. 1997
"Después comenzó a escribir lo que sería Capitalismo, socialismo y democracia, que aparecería en 1942; pero esto no le requirió ni mucho tiempo ni mucho esfuerzo. Este libro sí que fue un éxito inmediato y todavía hoy se vende y se lee. En él sostiene la tesis de la decadencia progresiva del capitalismo porque el progreso técnico destruye los pilares del individualismo, de la meritocracia y de la desigualdad, y sin estos pilares el socialismo tecnocrático ya era una realidad, sin necesidad de revolución."
Publicadas por
a las
8:59 a. m.
Etiquetas: Filosofía y técnica
lunes, junio 04, 2012
T.I.M.E. de cine: Antoine Fuqua (el cine de acción)
Aquí su página en la imdb
Una película para no olvidar: The Replacement Killers, 1988; Mira Sorvino, Yun-Fat Chow
Publicadas por
a las
9:33 a. m.
Etiquetas: Cine
viernes, junio 01, 2012
T.I.M.E. de poesía: Georg Trakl
Siete cantos a la muerte
Azulada muere la primavera; bajo sedientos árboles,
camina un ser oscuro en el ocaso
escuchando la dulce queja del mirlo.
Silenciosa aparece la noche, con un venado sangrante
que se abate lentamente en la colina.
La húmeda brisa mece la rama del manzano en flor,
se desata plateado lo que estuvo unido,
muriendo con ojos nocturnos; estrellas que caen;
dulce canto de la infancia.
Iluminado bajó el durmiente por el bosque negro,
murmuraba una fuente azul en la distancia
cuando él levantó sus pálidos párpados
sobre su rostro de nieve.
La luna espantó un rojo animal
de su guarida,
y el oscuro lamento de las mujeres murió en suspiros.
Radiante levantó sus manos hacia su estrella
el blanco forastero;
y silencioso abandona un muerto la casa derruida.
Oh la imagen corrupta del hombre;
fundida con fríos metales,
noche y espanto de bosques sumergidos
y el ardor del animal solitario;
quietud de las corrientes del alma.
La barca sombría lo llevó por cauces fulgurantes,
llenos de estrellas púrpuras, y se inclinó
apacible sobre él la verde rama,
como una blanca amapola desde sus nubes de plata.
Tendida en el bosque de avellanos
juega con sus estrellas.
El estudiante, quizá un doble,
la sigue con la vista desde la ventana.
Detrás de él está su hermano muerto,
o tal vez baja por la vieja escalera de caracol.
A la sombra de los pardos castaños
palidece la figura del joven novicio.
El jardín está en el ocaso.
En el claustro revolotean murciélagos.
Los hijos del portero dejan de jugar
y buscan el oro del cielo.
Acordes finales de un cuarteto.
La pequeña ciega corre temblando por el camino
y después su sombra va a tientas por muros fríos,
rodeada de cuentos y leyendas sagradas.
Hay un navío vacío que al atardecer
desciende por el negro canal.
En las tinieblas del viejo asilo caen ruinas humanas.
Los huérfanos yacen muertos junto al muro del jardín.
De alcobas en penumbra
surgen ángeles con alas manchadas de barro.
Gotean gusanos de sus párpados amarillentos.
La plaza de la iglesia es sombría y silenciosa
como en los días de la infancia.
Sobre pies de plata se deslizan antiguas vidas
y las sombras de los condenados
descienden hacia las aguas suspirantes.
En su tumba juega el mago blanco con sus serpientes.
Silenciosos sobre el calvario
se abren los dorados ojos de Dios.
Versión de Helmut Pfeiffer
Publicadas por
a las
8:18 a. m.
Etiquetas: Poesía