La siguiente cita del libro The Management Myth de Matthew Stewart (p.202)
A conceptual framework is a way of breaking up the landscape of experience into meaningful pieces. It is intended to help individuals engaged in a particular practice to describe and analyze the context of their actions. It is often expected to provide normative guidance on what to do.
Some chiefs will undoubtedly find the "five forces of cooking" framework supplied here useful in these ways. Student chefs in particular will be keen to master whatever secrets they imagine to be lurking in the framework. Academics, as is their work, will inevitably dispute aspects of the framework and propose amendments or alternatives - such as, perhaps, a talent-based view of cooking. Most chefs, however, will immediately sense that the whole endeavor is an atrocious waste of time. A framework, they will point out, has never fried an egg.":-) :-) :-)
¡Feliz 2011 para todos! ;-)
viernes, diciembre 31, 2010
"Modern management (IV)"
Publicadas por
a las
8:01 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
jueves, diciembre 30, 2010
"Modern management (III)"
La siguiente cita del libro The Management Myth de Matthew Stewart (p.195)
"By making market share one of only two variables in assessing a business, the matrix is inherently biased toward an expansionist strategy... The matrix, in keeping with the fundamental thrust of the strategy planning tradition, presumes that managers can do a better job of allocating resources among business than the market can. The matrix presumes, for example, that it is better to invest the milk from cash cows in the limited portfolio of stars and questions marks available to a corporation than to send it back to shareholders." :-) :-) :-)
Publicadas por
a las
8:10 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
miércoles, diciembre 29, 2010
"Modern management (II)"
La siguiente cita del libro The Management Myth de Matthew Stewart (p.159) El Autor cita a Bruce Herderson, el fundador del Boston Consulting Group
"Can you think of anything less improbable [sic] than taking the world's most successful firms, leaders in their business, and hiring people just fresh out of school and telling them how to run their business and they are willing to pay millions of dollars for this advice?" :-) :-) :-)
Publicadas por
a las
8:15 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
martes, diciembre 28, 2010
lunes, diciembre 27, 2010
"Modern management"
La siguiente cita del libro The Management Myth de Matthew Stewart (p.11)
“But the modern idea of management is right enough to be dangerously wrong and it has led us seriously astray. It has sent us on a mistaken quest to seek scientific answers to unscientific questions. It offers pretended technological solutions to what are, at bottom, moral and political problems. It conjures an illusion – easily exploited – about the nature and value of management expertise. It induces us to devote formative years to training in subjects that do not exist. It favors a naïve view of the sources of mismanagement, making it harder to check abuses of corporate power. Above all, it contributes to a misunderstanding about the sources of our prosperity, leading us to neglect the social, moral, and political infrastructure on which our well-being depends… The sixteenth-century English philosopher Francis Bacon defined an idol as a phantasm of the mind – sometimes founded in the limitations of our rational faculties, often furthered by the misuse of language an the sophistry of false teachers – that leads us to a pattern of misunderstanding of the world and sustain irrational practices. By that definition, the idea of management is an idol of our times. It is a fat word over a lot the thin questions marks. It is a edifice of grammatical errors, misperceptions, and superstitions that keeps in business much that should be put out of business.” :-):-):-)
Publicadas por
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8:17 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
viernes, diciembre 24, 2010
T.I.M.E. de poesía: Don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas
Cerrar podrá mis ojos la postrera
sombra, que me llevare el blanco día,
y podrá desatar esta alma mía
hora, a su afán ansioso lisonjera;
mas no de esotra parte en la ribera
dejará la memoria en donde ardía;
nadar sabe mi llama la agua fría,
y perder el respeto a ley severa;
Alma a quien todo un Dios prisión ha sido,
venas que humor a tanto fuego han dado,
médulas que han gloriosamente ardido,
su cuerpo dejarán, no su cuidado;
serán ceniza, mas tendrán sentido.
Polvo serán, mas polvo enamorado.
"nadar sabe mi llama la agua fría,
y perder el respeto a ley severa;" :-)
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
jueves, diciembre 23, 2010
Innovación desde Israel
Aquí la entrada del reportaje original de Knowledge@Wharton
Extracto introductorio:
"Despite -- or possibly because of -- its small size and geopolitical isolation, Israel has developed a global reputation for its cutting-edge high-tech industry. This special report explores the drivers behind Israel's innovative impulse, drawing in part on a recent series of panel discussions sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The report also looks at the partnerships Israeli firms have forged with U.S. companies and the reasons why the Israeli venture capital business is undergoing a painful period of adjustment. An interview with Aaron Wolf, a professor of geography at Oregon State University and a trained mediator, looks at unconventional ways of solving deep-running conflicts, such as disputes over water. Also, an interview with Chaim Katzman, chairman and founder of Gazit Globe, explores the strategy behind one of the world’s top real estate investment multinationals."
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Mercadeo
miércoles, diciembre 22, 2010
Management a la "germany" (¿Innovación y/o tradición?)
Aquí la entrada completa desde The Economist
Extracto introductorio:
"Germany is the world’s largest goods exporter after China despite high labour costs and a strongish euro. It is also stuffed full of durable companies that have survived hyperinflation and two world wars. Faber-Castell, a giant among pencilmakers, boasts that Bismarck was a customer..."
Extracto de cierre:
"Theodore Levitt, one of the doyens of Harvard Business School, once observed that “sustained success is largely a matter of focusing regularly on the right things and making a lot of uncelebrated little improvements every day.” That is a lesson that the Germans learned a long time ago—and that the rest of the rich world should take to heart."
Preguntas que surgen:
1. ¿Cómo es que un territorio, una población, una cultura, etc. llega a ser más competitiva (o más innovadora) que otra?
2. ¿Qué hace que ello ocurra aquí o allá, antes o después?
3. ¿Es "enseñable" todo ello: a otra población, en otro territorio?, ¿y así lo que se logra es cambiar su "cultura"?
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
martes, diciembre 21, 2010
T.I.M.E. de fotos: navidad en las casas de Colombia
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
lunes, diciembre 20, 2010
¡Un abrazo de navidades a Peter Sloterdijk (a German philosopher)!...
... por haberlo expresado tan bien, tan suscintamente y con el valor que se necesita para hacerlo desde las entrañas del "monstruo" :-)
Aquí la entrada original
Y este el texto completo:
The Grasping Hand
The modern democratic state pillages its productive citizens.
To assess the unprecedented scale that the modern democratic state has attained in Europe, it is useful to recall the historical kinship between two movements that emerged at its birth: classical liberalism and anarchism. Both were motivated by the mistaken hypothesis that the world was heading toward an era of the weakening of the state. While liberalism wanted a minimal state that would guide citizens almost imperceptibly, leaving them to go about their business in peace, anarchism called for the total death of the state. Behind these two movements was a hope typical of the European nineteenth century: that man’s plunder of man would soon come to an end. In the first case, this would result from the elimination of exploitation by unproductive classes, that is, the nobility and the clergy. In the second case, the key was to reorganize traditional social classes into little groups that would consume what they produced. But the political history of the twentieth century, and not just in its totalitarian extremes, proved unkind to both classical liberalism and anarchism. The modern democratic state gradually transformed into the debtor state, within the space of a century metastasizing into a colossal monster—one that breathes and spits out money.
This metamorphosis has resulted, above all, from a prodigious enlargement of the tax base—most notably, with the introduction of the progressive income tax. This tax is the functional equivalent of socialist expropriation. It offers the remarkable advantage of being annually renewable—at least, in the case of those it has not bled dry the previous year. (To appreciate the current tolerance of well-off citizens, recall that when the very first income tax was levied in England, at the rate of 5 percent, Queen Victoria worried that it might have exceeded acceptable limits. Since that day, we have become accustomed to the fact that a handful of productive citizens provide more than half of national income-tax revenues.)
When this levy is combined with a long list of other fees and taxes, which target consumers most of all, this is the surprising result: each year, modern states claim half the economic proceeds of their productive classes and pass them on to tax collectors, and yet these productive classes do not attempt to remedy their situation with the most obvious reaction: an antitax civil rebellion. This submissiveness is a political tour de force that would have made a king’s finance minister swoon.
With these considerations in mind, we can see that the question that many European observers are asking during the current economic crisis—“Does capitalism have a future?”—is the wrong one. In fact, we do not live in a capitalist system but under a form of semi-socialism that Europeans tactfully refer to as a “social market economy.” The grasping hand of government releases its takings mainly for the ostensible public interest, funding Sisyphean tasks in the name of “social justice.”
Thus, the direct and selfish exploitation of a feudal era has been transformed in the modern age into a juridically constrained and almost disinterested state kleptocracy. Today, a finance minister is a Robin Hood who has sworn a constitutional oath. The capacity that characterizes the Treasury, to seize with a perfectly clear conscience, is justified in theory as well as in practice by the state’s undeniable utility in maintaining social peace—not to mention all the other benefits it hands out. (In all this, corruption remains a limited factor. To test this statement, it suffices to think of the situation in post-Communist Russia, where an ordinary party man like Vladimir Putin has been able, in just a few years as head of state, to amass a personal fortune of more than $20 billion.) Free-market observers of this kleptocratic monster do well to call attention to its dangers: overregulation, which impedes entrepreneurial energy; overtaxation, which punishes success; and excessive debt, the result of budgetary rigor giving way to speculative frivolity.
Free-market authors have also shown how the current situation turns the traditional meaning of exploitation upside down. In an earlier day, the rich lived at the expense of the poor, directly and unequivocally; in a modern economy, unproductive citizens increasingly live at the expense of productive ones—though in an equivocal way, since they are told, and believe, that they are disadvantaged and deserve more still. Today, in fact, a good half of the population of every modern nation is made up of people with little or no income, who are exempt from taxes and live, to a large extent, off the other half of the population, which pays taxes. If such a situation were to be radicalized, it could give rise to massive social conflict. The eminently plausible free-market thesis of exploitation by the unproductive would then have prevailed over the much less promising socialist thesis of the exploitation of labor by capital. This reversal would imply the coming of a post-democratic age.
At present, the main danger to the future of the system involves the growing indebtedness of states intoxicated by Keynesianism. Discreetly and ineluctably, we are heading toward a situation in which debtors will once again dispossess their creditors—as has so often happened in the history of taxation, from the era of the pharaohs to the monetary reforms of the twentieth century. What is new is the gargantuan scale of public debt. Mortgaging, insolvency, monetary reform, or inflation—no matter, the next great expropriations are under way. Today, the state’s grasping hand even reaches into the pockets of generations unborn. We have already written the title of the next chapter of our history: “The pillage of the future by the present.”
Peter Sloterdijk is a German philosopher; his article was translated by Alexis Cornel.
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7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Filosofía y técnica
viernes, diciembre 17, 2010
T.I.M.E. de ocurrencias
Se acaba el 2010. Momento apropiado para los balances. Se sugieren algunas preguntas para recapitular (lo):
1. Lo que no hice
2. Lo que no hice, ¡y menos mal que no lo hice!
3. Lo que no hice, porque me faltó "perrenque"
4. Lo que si hice, ¡y menos mal que a tiempo!
5. Lo que si hice, contra viento y marea, ¡y lo hice!
6. Lo que si hice, (y nadie se dió cuenta)
7. Lo que si hice, (y voy a tener que seguir haciéndolo)
8. Lo que si hice, (pero es como si no lo hubiera hecho)
9. Lo que no hice, (no se por qué)
10. Lo que no hice, (y ni me acordé... que terminando el año pasado me había propuesto hacerlo :-)
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
jueves, diciembre 16, 2010
¿Se le ocurre a usted una marca-producto...?
... más universal... que despierte más la curiosidad... que refleje más un lugar de origen... que se pueda asociar más con la excelencia en la fabricación... que tenga mayor extensión y profundidad de línea... que sea más "clásica"... que todos los hombres a partir de cierta edad (pero sólo durante cierta cantidad de años) quieran tener una :-)
Aquí el sitio del fabricante
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Mercadeo
miércoles, diciembre 15, 2010
¿Tiene futuro un producto que, no obstante la excelencia técnica y artística alcanzada, cada vez se usa menos?
Aquí el sitio web del fabricante
Escribir cartas... Escribir poemas... Firmar cheques... Autografiar... Dedicar libros... Regalar tarjetas de navidad... Subrayar libros... Tomar notas en la conferencia... Apuntar (algo) en "la agenda"... Construir "libros de viaje"... Dibujar...
Publicadas por
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7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Mercadeo
martes, diciembre 14, 2010
¿De cuántas formas se puede lograr-diseñar-presentar un reloj de lujo?
Aquí la página del fabricante
Reformulando la pregunta:
1. ¿Cuántas opciones hay de lograr un "look-and-feel" de extremo lujo?, o,
2. ¿De cuántas formas cabe variar - manteniendo la armonía - los tres o cuatro elementos de realización de un reloj?, o,
3. ¿Qué cabeza de qué diseñador aún no se ha hecho presente como para que quepa esperar nuevos diseños, nuevas armonías, nuevas realizaciones: novedosos "look-and-feel" de extremo lujo?
Y además:
¿Quién lo adscribió a la FORMA-BASE-ESENCIAL del círculo; y del segundo "círculo" luego, que lo tornó accesorio de uso en la"muñeca", o sea reloj de pulsera?
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Mercadeo
lunes, diciembre 13, 2010
T.I.M.E. de música (y nostalgia :-)
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing Queen, feel the beat, from the tambourine oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queen
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine oh yaaa
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queen
Diggin the Dancing Queen
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
viernes, diciembre 10, 2010
Google ebookstore
Aquí la página de entrada en la Web
Aquí los comentarios del blog GigaOM
Aquí desde el blog oficial de Google
De la presentación en el blog de Google:
"We designed Google eBooks to be open. Many devices are compatible with Google eBooks—everything from laptops to netbooks to tablets to smartphones to e-readers. With the new Google eBooks Web Reader, you can buy, store and read Google eBooks in the cloud. That means you can access your ebooks like you would messages in Gmail or photos in Picasa—using a free, password-protected Google account with unlimited ebooks storage."
"When Google Books first launched in 2004, we set out to make the information stored in the world’s books accessible and useful online. Since then, we’ve digitized more than 15 million books from more than 35,000 publishers, more than 40 libraries, and more than 100 countries in more than 400 languages. This deep repository of knowledge and culture will continue to be searchable through Google Books search in the research section alongside the ebookstore."
Y el video :-)
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Internet, Mercadeo, Telecomunicaciones
jueves, diciembre 09, 2010
An innovator: Jason Fried
Lo conocemos hace años. Aquí el sitio Web de su exitosa compañía: 37signals
Su reciente conferencia en TED:
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia, Mercadeo
martes, diciembre 07, 2010
T.I.M.E. de ocurrencias
Lo que permite resolver el "misterio del azar" es el tiempo...
Es decir, el azar sólo es un problema para nosotros los excesivamente finitos...
(nuestro tiempo, si acaso, nos alcanza para jugar a los dados ;-)
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
lunes, diciembre 06, 2010
An innovator: Julian Assange Part II
Ahora en T.E.D.
Ya lo habíamos traído a cuento aquí en febrero de 2010...
Ahora es famoso :-)
Del perfil en TED:
"Why you should listen to him:
You could say Australian-born Julian Assange has swapped his long-time interest in network security flaws for the far-more-suspect flaws of even bigger targets: governments and corporations. Since his early 20s, he has been using network technology to prod and probe the vulnerable edges of administrative systems, but though he was a computing hobbyist first (in 1991 he was the target of hacking charges after he accessed the computers of an Australian telecom), he's now taken off his "white hat" and launched a career as one of the world's most visible human-rights activists.
He calls himself "editor in chief." He travels the globe as its spokesperson. Yet Assange's part in WikiLeaks is clearly dicier than that: he's become the face of creature that, simply, many powerful organizations would rather see the world rid of. His Wikipedia entry says he is "constantly on the move," and some speculate that his role in publishing decrypted US military video has put him in personal danger. A controversial figure, pundits debate whether his work is reckless and does more harm than good. Amnesty International recognized him with an International Media Award in 2009.
Assange studied physics and mathematics at the University of Melbourne. He wrote Strobe, the first free and open-source port scanner, and contributed to the book Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier.
"WikiLeaks has had more scoops in three years than the Washington Post has had in 30."
Clay Shirky"
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
viernes, diciembre 03, 2010
An innovator (a sort of): Christopher Richards - Part II
Me llamó la atención en extremo la afirmación de Mr. Richards: "I make my living in the real world by ghostwriting business books"
Esto implica:
1. Que hay "autores" de business books que no lo son al 100%
2. Que quizá he leído más de uno de esos libros (y hasta reverenciado a su "autor")
3. Que he quedado sorprendido: de mi ingenuidad e inocencia ante el funcionamiento que ahora se me revela de los negocios, y de los libros de negocios
Aquí nos explica Mr. Richards (seria y lentamente) cómo desempeña él su oficio y los gajes que trae:
"Ghostwriting Definition: A ghostwriter is paid to write books, articles, reports, speeches and other content that is credited to another person.
Will I make money from book sales?
Could your nonfiction book be another best-seller? Possibly, but that’s not the point. Being on the best-seller list is not an expectation of the people I write for. For most people, the value is increased awareness, competitive advantage, and professional stature. A book opens doors to new opportunities. And it is those new opportunities where your book pays for itself— many times over.
What should I look for in a ghostwriter?
Of course, you’ll need a person who can write. Make sure to look for someone who can understand what you want. Ask incisive questions. Listen to the answers. Ghostwriters must have the emotional maturity to put aside their own perspectives when necessary. They must write from your vantage point and for your readership.
Many ghostwriters’ work comes to them by referral. Most will have an agreement not to disclose that they had written or participated in a book. This makes showing samples difficult. However, the ghostwriter should be able to show you a variety of writing styles, and it is this flexibility of style that should give you an idea of ability. Is the writing clear? Is it to the point? Does it inform? Is it even amusing? Does it draw you in? Does it keep your attention? Is it consistent in tone?
How does ghostwriting work?
It can be as simple as you talk while the ghostwriter records your words and shapes them into an integrated narrative.
You may already have made a start on writing and find yourself stuck, or you simply don't have the time to continue. Your book is likely to emerge from a combination of discussions and existing documents.
Because a ghostwriter writes for someone else, the relationship between author and ghostwriter is of tremendous importance. For some clients, it is important for author and ghostwriter to meet face to face. For others, telephone and email work well. However, writing a book can be a significant investment of your time and money.
Make sure the relationship works. Are you, the author, and your ghostwriter on the same page? Initially, I like to set up a phone call with a prospective author to discuss the purpose of the book or article, its readership, and some idea of what the book will contain.
Should I contact several ghostwriters before making a decision?
Yes. Take your time. You will have a relationship with the person you choose for some months to come. When interviewing, allocate enough time to spend at least spend half an hour on the phone with someone you are seriously considering. Your ghostwriter must be a good verbal communicator. A significant part of the job of the ghostwriter is to interview you, and ask you questions that will stimulate your thinking and help you explain what you want to say.
A poorly-written book with your name on it can do more damage than having no book at all. Don't cut corners when attempting to find a ghostwriter. Visit ghostwriter websites. Is the writing on that site appealing? Are there grammatical or typographical errors? Is the ghostwriter knowable? Get the feel for who they are.
Don't simply send a list of requirements and expect an estimate. Yes, this means more work on your part, but it will pay off. If price is the only determining factor, then you run the risk of a poor outcome. Choosing to work together is a personal decision.
You will probably be meeting with your ghostwriter on a regular basis by phone, video, or in-person. Most professionals are busy people, particularly those who head organizations. Nevertheless, realistic expectations of time and cost are important. If your book project is to be a success, give it the time it deserves. Working with your ghostwriter should significantly shorten your time-investment, but you will need to stay engaged in the project.
Getting started
Every project must have a beginning. And that beginning can be at a different point along a continuum. At one end, you may have vague ideas, rough notes, or an outline; at the other, a rough draft, or an almost completely revised work. However, all projects start with discussion and/or review of existing material, if any.
If you and I were to decide to work together, after an initial discussion, I would draft a letter of intent which spells out my understanding of what you want, suggesting next steps in your project.
Working together
Maybe you're not ready to commit to an entire project—yet. You can still do some initial work on your project.
I charge a prepaid hourly fee for a minimum of ten hours for new clients. This way, for a small commitment, we can take time to work together in determining the readership, the content, and scope of the project. After ten hours of consultation and/or writing, we should be in a better position create an effective working relationship and estimate the entire project.
Please contact me for fees, details, and availability.
What if you are not available?
Ghostwriters can only take on so many projects at a time. Some of us will only work on one book at a time in order to do the job right. Depending on your need, I would be happy to refer a colleague, or suggest some things you can do now to prepare for a later scheduled start date. While planning your book several months in advance in not always possible, if you can, it will give you the choice of working with an in-demand ghostwriter.
What sort of books do you write?
I specialize in nonfiction books and biography. I have written for clients in business consulting, management, psychology, organizational development, education, and non-profit organizations.
Do you ghostwrite shorter works?
Yes. At the time of writing, I've just finished an eighty-page educational guide. I also rewrite or edit shorter works.
Do you ghostwrite fiction?
No. I do not offer this service and I cannot refer you at this time.
How long will it take?
Writing your book takes time and effort. How long it will take to ghostwrite your book depends upon conceptual complexity, participant availability (that's you), timing, and my professional commitments. You should expect a turnaround time of at least several months for anything approaching book length. While each project is different, it's not unusual to spend between 400 and 700 hours to ghostwrite a 50,000-word (200 page) book.
A solid outline of your entire book will get you to your destination faster. A rough guide to allocating time is 40 percent creating the outline, 20 percent writing the first draft, and 40 percent rewriting.
The new now
With the advent of digital publishing, new structures of books are emerging for devices such as Kindle and Nook. Books are getting shorter, but this does not necessarily mean that they take less effort to write well. Writers understand that any work starts out horrible and becomes refined through revision. However, those that don't write only see finished works and are often unaware of how many revisions it took to polish a piece of writing. In other words, no first draft is publishable. Clarity matters. A writer's joke goes like this: This piece of writing is long because I didn't have time to write it shorter.
Please contact me here to set up a time to talk about your project."
Publicadas por
a las
7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
jueves, diciembre 02, 2010
An innovator (a sort of): Christopher Richards - Part I
Aquí su sitio web: Slowdown
De la introducción a si mismo:
"I make my living in the real world by ghostwriting business books.
I grew up in a sleepy village outside of Oxford in England. I went to art school in Winchester where I studied fine art and philosophy. Later I moved to New York. Today, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my wife Lynnette.
My interest in slow started while still an art student. It was my first visit to America and I'd come for a month-long stay in the winter of 1976. I arrived in California after a long flight from London. The fare was cheap. The aircraft was old. They say you get what you pay for. The galley door fell off and the oxygen masks popped out of the ceiling when the plane bounced down in Canada for refueling.
California was immediately captivating: stunning vistas, palm trees, sunshine. What struck me was the emptiness of the landscape. There only seemed to be Europeans visiting the national parks. Where were the Americans?
I had no idea Americans worked such long hours. Wasn’t California supposed to be laid back? It’s a common mistake to think that other cultures are like your own. Only after working in the corporate world and running a company did I understand what Josef Pieper referred to as The Total World of Work in his book, Leisure: The Basis of Culture.
It was this book that was my impulse (if impulse is not too strong a word) for writing about slow. I found the book quite by chance in a bookstore on College Avenue in Oakland. Pieper’s point is that one can become so immersed in work that nothing else matters. Total work destroys culture. Total work saps our energy. There is no time for interiority.
Leisure is a form of that stillness that is necessary preparation for accepting reality; only the person who is still can hear, and whoever is not still, cannot hear.
Pieper, Josef. Leisure, the Basis of Culture. South Bend, Indiana: Translation, St. Augustine’s Press, 1998. p 31.
This led me to investigate the subject. I started to write about work-life balance, but at first found my tone to be preachy. There’s a big difference between knowing what to do, and actually doing it. became a place to find my voice as a humorist.
Slow is a serious subject, even if its treatment isn’t. Humor opens us to being receptive. Not everything can be treated with humor. However play and humor are the elements of creativity. The world is in constant flux. Change is rapid. We don’t know what will happen next. We need to challenge our assumptions. We need wisdom to cope with change, and wisdom doesn't happen overnight.
Educational guru, Sir Ken Robinson, says, creativity is as important to us in this century as literacy was in the past. It’s a survival skill. Whether designing a life to include a personal world outside of the demands of commerce, or thinking through problems in new ways, creativity needs to emerge from a place of gestation, rest, flexibility, and balance.
I am currently writing a third children's book. My Children's book website for ages 5-9 is here."
Yo diría que este modo de vivir propuesto por Mr. Richards logra que lo tomemos en serio sin tener que ser serio a la manera usual, a saber, trabajando hasta, literalmente,
m o r i r
d e l,
e n
e l,
c a n s a n c i o
:-) :-) :-) (I like it)
Una estrategia para, sino vencerla, al menos timarla por un rato, a la muerte...
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7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Estrategia
miércoles, diciembre 01, 2010
Inno-soñando: el "smartphone" que quiero
1. Estoy "jarto" de tener que escucharle las conversaciones a todo el mundo
2. Estoy "mamado" de tener que andar cambiando de timbre normal a silencio (y vuelva otra vez) cada vez que entro y salgo de los lugares en los que no quiero molestar a otros
En resumidas cuentas: el teléfono celular es muy pero muy conveniente para uno, pero al tiempo muy pero muy inconveniente para los otros que están alrededor de uno
El "smartphone" que quiero:
1. Que solo yo lo oiga cuando timbre
2. Que solo al otro lado me escuchen (y nadie alrededor) cuando hablo por él
3. Que yo sepa - antes de intentar la llamada - que al otro lado están dispuestos a contestarla (y viceversa)
¿Cierto que se va demorar unos añitos en estar listo? :-()
Publicadas por
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7:00 a. m.
Etiquetas: Mercadeo